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How Nutrition Can Support ADHD
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

By Jess Kasriel Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. These symptoms can greatly affect an individual's eating habits in various ways. People with ADHD may struggle with planning and preparing meals due to executive dysfunction, which is an impairment in the brain's ability to manage thoughts, tasks, time, and decisions. When nutrition is combined with other treatments like therapy and/or medication, it can be an effective way to manage ADHD symptoms and their severity. Knowing which foods to prioritise and which to avoid can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD. Here is a general summary of how ADHD can influence one’s food choices: • Ignoring hunger cues/not fee...

Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder Recovery
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

By Naomi Rogers What is Psychotherapy and what is its role in eating disorder recovery? Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a treatment method that involves talking with a trained and accredited Therapist to help address mental health challenges, emotional struggles, and behaviour patterns. It aims to improve a person's mental well-being, resolve troublesome behaviours, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and improve the quality of their relationships and social skills. Our behaviour patterns often stem from past traumas or unmet needs. Many people report that their eating disorders start initially as a way to cope with a difficult or painful circumstance or as a way to manage feelings of shame about themselves or their bodies. Delving into these emotions alone can be...

Surviving Christmas With an Eating Disorder
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

by Kaysha Thomas Boundaries vs Pressure Christmas can feel like a difficult time for so many people for different reasons. I remember my mum always doing way too much prep for Christmas. Sometimes she would go as far as repainting rooms in the house. For some, a slightly overly house-proud mum is the least of their worries. Christmas can be a time where money issues are brought to the forefront, where difficult decisions need to be made around where Christmas is spent, being around particular family members that you wouldn’t see if it wasn’t for Christmas and then there’s alcohol. Which, let’s be honest, can either add to the merriment or be the very thing that ruins Christmas. Even if none of the above is an issue in your household, Christmas with an eating disorder can be a very chall...

50 Self-care Ideas
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

Self-care is important for our mental and physical health. Without taking the time to care for ourselves we leave ourselves susceptible to burnout, mental, physical and emotional distress. By taking some time out to engage in self -care we can ease anxiety and depression, be more resilient to stress, improve concentration, reduce anger, increase happiness and improve energy. It's a wonderful way to restore our connection to ourselves and slow down in a world where it feels almost impossible to take a moment to stop. ​Making a Self-care Jar Ah, but what will become of all those empty jars? I know I'm not the only person here who washes out and saves jars for...Well, I'm not really sure what for (anyone?). I have this idea that I'm going to start making chutneys or get really into picklin...

Bulimia Self-Care
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

What to do after purging (plus some resources) by Kaysha Thomas. Purging through vomiting is a very common eating disorder behaviour for those suffering from bulimia nervosa and anorexia purging-type. Despite the temporary relief it provides, purging itself often leaves you feeling uncomfortable and unclean. After each time, you’re wondering how you found yourself there again. It’s hard. Hard on your mind and body. Then begins the post purge ritual. A ritual that often lacks the compassion that you would show anyone else who had just been sick. Bruising your teeth, hot baths/showers and drinking alcohol are amongst the most harmful things to do after being sick. So what is the right thing to do after purging? In this post, you’ll learn the 5-step post purge plan that I recommend to all ...

Narcissistic Abuse
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

One of the things most commonly said and thought by survivors of narcissistic abuse is- is it me? Am I crazy? Regardless of who the relationship is with- a parent, a partner or even your boss the relationship with a narcissist will leave you feeling like you have done something wrong. It is not easy to recognise the abuse because the narcissist paints a picture of themselves as someone collected, responsible and stable, one can say that they present an image close to perfection. Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional abuse that is perpetrated by individuals who have a narcissistic personality disorder. These individuals have an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration and validation. They often have a lack of empathy and a tendency to exploit others for their ...

What is drama therapy?
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

By Matharasika Siventhra When most people think about therapy, they assume that therapy can only be talking based (so called, talking therapies) (Anderson & Brownlie, 2011). However, there are a multitude of other psychotherapies which offer an alternative and unique approach, like drama therapy (Rinat & Hod, 2020). What makes drama therapy distinct is its utilisation of various mediums and art forms. For example; role play, story-telling, music, voice work and movement. As expressed by Nikkita Da'Silva (qualified dramatherapist with 10 years’ experience and part of the CLiK team) drama therapy is a “unique approach” which also offers clients the opportunity to “explore difficult and painful life experiences through an indirect approach”. Drama therapy & Eating disorders? Unlike traditi...

What are the side effects of under-eating?
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

Maudsley, S. (2008). Caloric restriction: Impact upon pituitary function and reproduction. Ageing Research Reviews, 7(3), 209–224. Murray, S., Arosenius, A., & Avena, N. M. (2015). Neurochemical Components of Undereating and Overeating. Wiley, 394–407. Stewart, T. M., Martin, C. K., & Williamson, D. A. (2022). The Complicated Relationship between Dieting, Dietary Restraint, Caloric Restriction, and Eating Disorders: Is a Shift in Public Health Messaging Warranted? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 491. Wallis, D. J., & Hetherington, M. M. (2009). Emotions and eating. Self-reported and experimentally induced changes in food in...

What Are the Different Types of Eating Disorders?
Thursday 5 September 2024 by CLIK Therapy

By Matharasika Siventhra Eating Disorders are defined as “mental health conditions where…the control of food [is utilised to] cope with feelings and other situations” (NHS, 2023). Within the United Kingdom, it is estimated that over 700,000 individuals have been diagnosed with an eating disorder (ED) (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence, 2019). Whilst the overarching definition of an eating disorder may seem relatively easy to grapple with, there are a range of ED diagnoses. From Anorexia Nervosa to Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorders, each diagnosis is complex and multifaceted in nature, understanding the different types of Eating Disorders is imperative for aiding an individual's specific recovery and treatment journey. Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is characteris...

Supporting someone with an ed
Friday 5 July 2024 by CLIK Therapy

Supporting someone recovering from an eating disorder requires patience, empathy, and understanding. Here are some guidelines for families, partners, and parents: Educate yourself: Learn about the specific eating disorder, its symptoms, and how it affects the person. This will help you understand their behavior and be more patient with them. Encourage treatment: Encourage the person to seek professional help, and offer to help them find a treatment program that works for them. Avoid criticism: Avoid criticising their appearance, eating habits, or weight. This can make the person feel ashamed and hinder their progress. Be patient: Recovery from an eating disorder can be a slow process, and it’s important to be patient and understanding with the person. Be a good listener: Listen to their...

Side Effects of Under Eating
Monday 11 December 2023 by Caroline Jench

By Matharasika Siventhra There are various reasons as to why a person may under-eat from participating in trends like dieting culture, excessive stress or being an individual with an eating disorder (Stewar et al., 2022; Wallis & Hetherington, 2009) . Undereating can have adverse effects not only on an individual's health but also a person's well-being. The harmful impact of under-eating often is neglected and cast away in conversations. So what does the research suggest about undereating? Consistent findings have emerged regarding the negative effects of undereating. Specifically, the Minnesota Starvation Study which utilised young, healthy, psychologically well individuals showcased the drastic negative impact of food restriction on an individual's physical, social, behavioural, and p...

What group therapies do we have at CLIK?
Thursday 23 November 2023 by Caroline Jench

By Matharasika Siventhra Here at CLiK, group therapy offers the opportunity to allow a person to feel seen, listened to, supported and know they are not alone in the journey towards recovery. There are various different groups we offer. When creating a programme for a client, we tailor the programme to include groups that best support a person’s needs, allowing a person to safely explore alongside others who may be on a similar journey. Here are a list of groups we offer at CLiK: [Image] Entering Recovery This is the first stage in CLIK’s facilitated recovery programme for those who have little experience of one-to-one therapy and/or have never been part of a therapy group before. It is also appropriate for those who might have a new diagnosis of an eating disorder and want to gain some...
